Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education

New Board Elected at Annual Meeting

CESE held its 2018 Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 23rd, 2018. The meeting included a vote on the new slate. This year's board members are listed on the Board Roster page. After remarks by outgoing president Jesse Johnson, and incoming president Ken Whiton, NCSE's Glenn Branch gave the keynote.

Outgoing president Jesse Johnson addressed the audience. He described the past year's major accomplishments.

Incoming president Ken Whiton talked about CESE's plans for the coming year.

Board member Lisa Durkin was given a special award to acknowledge her years of effort on behalf of CESE.

Lisa Durkin's plaque. It reads :
In Recognition of
Lisa Durkin
CESE past President, and a passionate advocate for the CESE mission over many years. You are an exemplary teacher and role model for all teachers as someone who is personally dedicated to your students’ success. Your colleagues in CESE recognize and honor your dedication and initiative, will forever be grateful for the example you have set, and cherish your friendship.

Kim Johnson introduced keynote speaker Glenn Branch.

Kim presented Glen Branch with a plaque recognizing his efforts supporting opposition to NM PED's anti-science standards in the fall of 2017.

Glenn Branch's plaque reads

In Recognition of
Glenn Branch
Deputy Director of the National Center for Science Education. You have supported this organization from its very beginning. You were instrumental in getting national press for the attempted weakening and politicization of Next Generation Science Standards by the New Mexico Public Education Department. You are a true friend to New Mexico.

Glenn Branch spoke on the topic"Why Is It So Hard to Teach Evolution and Climate Change?"

Glenn described anti-science efforts across the nation, and the efforts to oppose politicization of evolution and climate change.

Several members of the CESE board joined Glenn Branch for dinner at El Pinto.


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