May 2022 Beacon: Annual Meeting Announced
The May 2022 Beacon (XXIV, No. 1) has been published! It includes a President’s Message by Jesse Johnson, a detailed look at "Luring Retirees Back into The Classroom" by Lisa Durkin, an article by Dr. Rebecca Reiss on "Does Science Literacy Need a Booster Shot? (Yes)", 2022 Science Fair Winners, and a Toon by Thomas.

It also announces the upcoming CESE Annual Meeting, June 4th 2022 at 1:30 PM, featuring an address by Kurt Steinhaus, Secretary of Education for the state of New Mexico.
This issue of the Beacon, along with every other issue, can be found on CESE's Beacon Page.
Save the Date! Secretary of Education Kurt Steinhaus to speak to CESE on June 4, 2022
That's right, Secretary of Education Kurt Steinhaus will be speaking to CESE on June 4, 2022, at 1:30 PM. His topic will be "Move the Needle.” The meeting will be hybrid In Person/Zoom.

Stay tuned for details! There will be more information in the upcoming Beacon!