Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education

Kurt Steinhaus speaks to CESE at June 4 Annual Meeting

CESE's 2022 Annual Meeting featured Dr. Kurt Steinhaus, Secretary of the NM Public Education Department, speaking on the topic "Move the Needle: Improving Public Education in New Mexico." The meeting took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 1:30 pm, at the UNM Continuing Education Center.

A video of the meeting can be seen here:

Additionally, the slides presented by Dr. Steinhaus can be perused here.

Dr. Kurt Steinhaus addresses CESE at their annual meeting on June 4, 2022.
A vigorous Q&A session followed the talk. Cindy and Bill Chapman, Jack Jekowski, Steve Brugge, and Mary Ann Jekowski are shown L-R.
The CESE board met for dinner after the talk at El Bruno's Restaurant

CESE thanks Dr. Kurt Steinhaus for a dynamic presentation. Upon review of the meeting video and slides, please feel free to contact Kim Johnson ( with your comments on improving education in New Mexico.


Annual Meeting with Kurt Steinhaus TODAY! Click below for Link…

To get the Zoom link for today's meeting, click here, and follow the instructions!

We hope to see you there!