Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education

CESE In the News

The Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education (CESE) was mentioned prominently in a July 26th article in the Capitol Report New Mexico.

The report notes that:

Roundhouse Democrats and officials in the Susana Martinez administration are exchanging verbal shots over the governor’s school reforms — and a little-known educational group cited by the Democrats didn’t even know it was even being prominently mentioned in the debate.

and continues:

The Democrats’ news release called on the Martinez administration “to adopt the educational reform recommendations developed by the Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education.”

On Thursday afternoon, Capitol Report New Mexico called R. [M.] Kim Johnson, who is a past president and board member of the Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education (CESE) who said he had not heard that his organization was cited in the Roundhouse Democrats’ news release until he was told by this reporter.

“We were not aware they were going to say that,” Johnson said, although he added that “I’m not unpleased” to hear the news.


A retired physicist, Johnson says educational reform is “more complex than simply adopting a method” and said he had talked to Rep. Miera at a recent Legislative Education Study Commitee meeting.

When asked about the A-through-F law, Johnson said, “some of the things they score on are mixing apples and oranges.”

Stay tuned for updates on this breaking news.

CESE is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is non-partisan, and does not advocate for any specific political party.

All we care about is having New Mexico schools perform to their potential. That has always been our dream.

You may read the NM Democrats Press Release here. CESE was invited to perform  an analysis by the request of the LESC, and the information generated for this work is in the public domain. Contact CESE if you would like more information.

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