Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education

Election of New Board at June’s Annual Meeting

CESE elected a new slate of officers at its 2019 Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 1st, 2019.  The 2019-2020 CESE Board now consists of president Lisa Durkin, treasurer Steve Brugge, secretary Dave Thomas, and past president Ken Whiton. The complete board and members at large are presented on this page,

After the brief business meeting, Secretary of Education Dr. Karen Trujillo spoke on "A Shared Vision of Student Opportunities for Success in New Mexico." Dr. Trujillo's talk covered a wide range of concerns, and was well received.

Members of the audience followed the lecture with interest.
Secretary Trujillo gave a relaxed, engaging presentation,
After the talk, a lively question and answer period follows, Here, Ellen Bernstein follows up on some points brought up in the presentation.
Board members and Secretary Trujillo attended a dinner at El Pinto following the meeting.

CESE thanks Dr. Karen Trujillo for an informative talk.

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