Coalition for Excellence in Science and Math Education

Kurt Steinhaus speaks to CESE at June 4 Annual Meeting

CESE's 2022 Annual Meeting featured Dr. Kurt Steinhaus, Secretary of the NM Public Education Department, speaking on the topic "Move the Needle: Improving Public Education in New Mexico." The meeting took place on Saturday, June 4, 2022, at 1:30 pm, at the UNM Continuing Education Center.

A video of the meeting can be seen here:

Additionally, the slides presented by Dr. Steinhaus can be perused here.

Dr. Kurt Steinhaus addresses CESE at their annual meeting on June 4, 2022.
A vigorous Q&A session followed the talk. Cindy and Bill Chapman, Jack Jekowski, Steve Brugge, and Mary Ann Jekowski are shown L-R.
The CESE board met for dinner after the talk at El Bruno's Restaurant

CESE thanks Dr. Kurt Steinhaus for a dynamic presentation. Upon review of the meeting video and slides, please feel free to contact Kim Johnson ( with your comments on improving education in New Mexico.

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