The June 2023 Beacon Has Been Published!

The June 2023 issue of the Beacon has been published, and is online here! All previous issues of the Beacon are located here.
In this issue: President’s Message (Jesse Johnson), 2023 Legislature Public Education Bills, (Jack Jekowski), Why New Mexico High School Graduation Rate Calculations Do Not Align with a School’s Time-Opportunity to Impact Student Learning (Kim Johnson), NM State Science Fair Winners, A Toon by Thomas, CESE Annual Meeting, CESE congratulates TODOS on its 20th anniversary!
Important note about Annual Meeting:
The times they are a changing, and so is CESE. Instead of an annual meeting in June with a speaker, we are planning a ‘meet and greet’ at an Albuquerque restaurant that will be partially subsidized by CESE in July or August. An on-line poll will be sent out sometime soon. The presentation will be held later, possibly in the fall after people return from summer vacation. We hope to see you at both!